Blueberry Hills Water

Phone: (306)-288-1000

Blueberry Hills Water is a water bottling service located in Beauval, Saskatchewan. The company provides 100% Natural Spring Water and is a product of Northern Saskatchewan. For inquires about becoming a Water-Distributor in your community call (306)-288-1000.

Hours: Monday – Friday 9am-5pm

BDI Kitchen & Catering

Phone: (306)-288-1000

BDI Kitchen & Catering is a fast food restaurant located in Beauval, Saskatchewan. The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner food options. Its services include catering, take-out, and walk-ins.

Hours: Monday – Friday 9am-7pm


BDI Rentals

Phone: (306)-288-7218

BDI Rentals provides office spaces for rent in Beauval, Saskatchewan.


Rental Agreements